
It's the Lord's Day

And I deal with sin.

But where, in the past, I would have felt struck down and unusable by God,

I now realize that my lowliness is only a crucial step towards being usable by God.

Why did I sin? Well, because I am a sinner. Why did I choose to if I was walking with God? Well maybe I was not walking in my weakness/His strength but rather trusting in my "strength with Him." There are times when we do not have the answer to the question, "Why did I sin?" We cannot find anywhere where we have not been vigilant, busy, or following. Yet we've sinned, and it makes us feel dirty and far from God.

So my new plan is to not let Satan use my sin to bring me down.

1. Christ died for sinners. Confess. Seek holiness as ever. "I know the way I'm living is wrong, but I can't change on my own, trying to make it alone, I wonder, how could You love me with my love so ugly, but You came down and died for me. Will You take me as I am? -Lecrae"

2. Realize that sin is a reminder of our small poor efforts and God's bigness!

3. When you go out and meet people, don't be afraid to meet them and LET God open opportunities for ministry. Sin has consequences, loses opportunities, but and opportunity is still an opportunity. Be careful. Sin makes our own selves less in line with God's mind, yet it does not make us any less God's own and God's vessel. Don't let Satan instill fear in you to the point that you won't let God USE you any more...just because you realized how much you need HIM.

4. Let it spur you on in your thirst for holiness. Look to God, not ourselves. Look to the savior not the sickness, like people healed by Christ, look up in faith. But stay on the ground until He lifts you up (James). Keep going.

It's Sunday and I'm hungry. =)


  1. Good reminder, Ben. On one hand, don't take sin lightly. On the other hand, look forward and don't let it detain us.

  2. Wow, I've so been here and still get here. Yep, KEEP GOING! Micah 7:8.

    "For every look I take within, I must then take a thousand looks at Christ." -- unknown.
