
How Things Stand =P

A typhoon is supposed to come right through. The windows are shut and taped. It's like the passover. I hope the neighbors see God. I mean, God's hand. Try to say things right here, Ben.

Jess is going to Hong Kong to renew her visa so she can come back and stay in Taiwan. 
Josh played hockey with me today. I really appreciate this guy. 
Rebekah sat outside with the kids tonight. 
Elizabeth rollerbladed even though she didn't want to.
Ben learned a lot and is very confused. 

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Going through typhoons is a special experience from my childhood memory. School closed, stores closed, windows shut, street empty. Some old Japanese-style houses we used to live in even had built-in wood doors that slid out conveniently. I guess all natural disasters are special, except that we were better prepared with typhoons.
