
He requires nothing of us but to know we had nothing and that He became our all and all. And this is love. Is this consistent with the God's word?

I don't know why I write when I could sing
About a Savior, Jesus Christ my King
Who died for me my sins to clean
Washed on and gone in a healing stream

And now I want to give my life for Him
But He already died so I could live
And if I did I'd be claiming that
Without Him I had a life to give

Without Him I had nothing fit 
To even show for my friends and kin
Much less to give so I accept that
He died for me a completely free gift

He makes me feel like I could sing
Without words but then maybe these
In front of me would not understand
Cause their hearts are stiff and cannot see

It's not just emotion, it's understanding
What He's done and who I was
Who I am now, What he does
His work didn't end at dying for me

He came back to life to show me this
That sins are no longer between our relationship
Cause He could take away this brick wall between us
And still come back for me to live

I know I don't live my life now
It's fully mine but I'm in love, I'm given away 
To a life that is greater than mine
Who requires nothing from me from day to day

But to know that my life had nothing to say
And that He is the only reason I'm awake
It's love. It's the only reason this heart of clay
Can love. 

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