
Played volleyball today...in Taiwan! And I can't believe it!

Our whole team was there, except for Jessica who had not gotten back from her visa trip, and we played with some kids and two teachers from church. I'm so blessed. I hope my team is enjoyed it though, cause I had a lot of fun, but Josh has a hurt ankle, Bekah always says it hurts and seems can never be encouraged to gain confidence, and Elizabeth and the teachers were a little tired of seeing the kids not trying and chucking the ball straight out of the place, but still...looking at it from my perspective, we ALL learned a lot, and that's what counts. I'm encouraged. But I don't want anyone to be discouraged. I tend to be encouraged whenever I see someone put their all into something, and I start to see endless possibilities, and I get excited. To me I see much improvement. But often I get over-zealous and other people feel more discouraged because they feel they've failed a lot. I'm not too afraid of seeing other people's failure I guess. As long as they're not afraid. But back to volleyball. I think what was so awesome about today, was that we were all there giving up our own likes and dislikes, pain, and expectations, not just for our team-ness, but also for our team. And for once I feel like we not only fellowshipped together, but also served together. I'm glad Jessica is back after a safe and successful trip to Hong Kong for her visa.

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