
Witness God Gives Me

So I'm riding home with the English teacher from Luan Shan, and he tells me his grandfather is in a coma. We're silent for a bit, and then he changes the subject, but my mind is still on his grandfather. I have not thought about this question of life after death for a while, and at this point, it occurs to me that I might bring up that I don't know what to say, don't know how to pray, for him, because in my belief, dead people go to hell. Nevertheless I listen as he changes the subject. Less than a couple minutes later, he asks, "You know the Mormans? What is the difference between what they believe and the Christians?" After a pretty definitively concise and to the point explanation of the salvation plan, I decide to share my trembling heart concerning his grandfather.

I love this because I've been jabbering with him on the subject of religion, and he's been interested, but nothing has converted into real talk. By real talk, I guess I mean going from meandering to directed threads moving towards personal understanding in heart and in application. Last night, at team meeting, I prayed the Lord give everyone a chance to see victory this week. And today, the very next day, we see this. I've been reawakened to the power of two or three gathered in His name, and also the importance of praying for my co-workers. I love the Lord because He has heard my supplications.

My teacher did not linger on painful thoughts of a loved one going to hell, as he quickly responded, "I think I expressed his condition wrong. He is getting better." Nevertheless, my prayer is that he would not ever be free from the reality of God's salvation. May the Lord grow my faith until my prayer is that, not one of the sheep He has given me be lost.

Students at Li Shan Elementary