
Friday and Saturday

Friday, I went with one of my schools to the Bunun coming-of-age festival. It was neat to see my kids from three different schools get along perfectly well with each other because they were focused just on me. It's not always this way. I think it's the same with God. When we focus on Him, we get along with those around us who are doing the same. 

Sorry, I don't know why the picture is on rotated wrong here. But at anyrate, Saturday, Josh and I went skating through Hualien City again. We were looking for a lower-traffic route from the train-station to the central part of the city and ended up finding a pretty killer shortcut...and this. Other being on a little adventure with Josh, this is what made me happy all day.

God enabled us to have a focused time relaxing. That is a miracle in itself if you think about the words, "focus" and "relax". =)