
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Something God's been teaching me.

So last Thursday, my teacher is driving me home from school, and out of the blue she says, "Abraham believed that God was father. Isaac trusted that all things came from the Hand of God. Jacob accepted God's dealing in his life." I sit there in the passenger seat simply awed, but somehow not surprised. After all, doesn't everything we have come from God's hand?

The message connects with me on so many levels. Each part is important. Each part hits home. And as I sit there for the remainder of the ride, I ponder the fact that seemingly different events in my life are all addressed in this message. Thinking back now after a week of talking with friends and seeing God work out these lessons in me, I have begun to think the lessons are one. But rather than write about a cliche topic, I'd like to write about the specific ways God has brought that topic out of cliche, past my pride, and into my life. 

First off, God is Father. How awesome is that? I mean, how real is that? Everything I need has been provided for. The whole world Abraham wanted to give birth to was given to Him by the Father. And while I may want to lead strongly in this city, boldly birthing a vision of a city on its knees before God, all my planning and working and planting will never give birth to a single child, never nurture a life or a team that I've been entrusted to. God is the father of all, and God is the one Who fathers hearts. 

Then too, I wonder a lot how I'm doing warding off the attacks of the enemy. And I worry a lot if things aren't going the way they should. Plus, I groan a lot about things that don't seem to further God's will. But does anything happen that God doesn't will? His plan has never changed for us. Only our plans have changed. Maybe I just needed to accept all things as from God. And if all things means trials and tribulation, so be it. All things work together for good to them that love God. He's still here. His plan is still good. I just need to see from His perspective more. 

If I saw from His perspective, that should help me accept his dealings in my life. There are a lot of things that need to be fixed. Everyone thinks the same is true in anyone's life. But few people think the same is true in their own life and believe it to the point that they're willing to open their hearts up and be hurt, in order for the thorns to be removed. I'm serious. Accepting God's dealings in my life means not just being willing to be changed, but being willing to cry and realizing that tears are cleansing. I just read today that the, "blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil," (Pr 20:30a). Nuff said. Do I accept God's dealings in my life?

I know all this sounds kinda impersonal. I wish I could explain the exact situation I was and still am going through. But I can't find it. And, at this point, I believe that this situation has no start nor end. It's constant for everyone. So there really isn't a pressing need to blow my mind out trying to pinpoint the precise circumstances and events of the last week. It's just a situation called faith.

Praying that God will continue to work out our salvation in Him. 

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