
Feeling Rather Sickly, People!

Sing to me a new song in my eyes
Tell me that this story is my life
But show me that it’s different or I’ll bite and hold it back just don’t you
Tell me that this story is a lie

Bring the notes now closer, now I die
I don’t want to hear another sigh
Don’t let me know the things you told me in the past I’ve lost already
Now I only want to do it right

Give me breath to breathe again tonight
Pull me in to reignite the light
Cause all the stars I wanted seem so high up in the darkness and I
Need you to just to reach this solemn sight

Drink me in till everything’s alright
Dreams can come and go till bye and bye
But show me that you’re different or you’ll fade away like all the world just
Passing through like hands of time were tied

So sing to me a new song in my eyes
Breathe to me a new breath for my life
Turn the pages oh so quickly that the ages fade so briskly
That repeating pain each day will slide

Ring a bell so I can hear again
Dream a well so I can drink this sand
So everything that happens in the day today will never sadden us and
We can go on living joy in hand

Dance for me a dance upon my bed
Prancing light cause I can’t move my head
When all around the world just swirls around my body laying still I'm 
Needles on a table, cloth and thread

Streams of living water fill my head
Foggy swamps are what are here instead
But clear and cool is what I used to have right here I’m understood to-
Day is not the same day till I’m dead

Read for me the books I hate to read
Burn for me the words that flood the sea
I don’t remember anything, just know that you might not be list’ning
To the musings of reciteful sleep

Deep down do you know that this is real?
Week on week you need to stop and feel.
Things don’t go on for forever, you aren’t really feeling better
Than the day I leave my window sill.


  1. In Exodus 19:4, the Lord says, "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.”

    When an eagle gets ready to build its nest, it finds a crag or a ledge where wild animals cannot get to it. There the eagle weaves such a large, solid nest out of sticks, branches, briars, or bones that even the high, swirling winds cannot blow it down. Then she lines the nest with feathers, cloth, papers or anything soft for comfort. The eagles hatch in that cozy environment. A baby eagle is safe………..

    The mother eagle knows that these eagles were not born to sit in a nest all of their lives. When the time arrives for them to fly, she reaches into the nest, pulls out all the soft down and paper with her claw, and lets the little eaglets down on the briars, sticks, bones and branches. They begin to cry out because everywhere they turn they get stuck…..

    When you get stuck in one of the stages of development, one of God’s ways is to make you uncomfortable by stirring your nest, readying you for your next move…….After the eagle stirs the nest, she hovers over the nest with her wings to show the eagles how big she is………….

    The next thing the mother eagle does is to place her wing on the edge of the nest and say to the eagles, ‘Get off the briars and get on the wing.’ If they won’t do it, she starts beating them until they do….Once the eagles get on her wing, the mother lurches off the cliff and begins to fly. For the first time in their lives, they experience the ecstasy of flight. As they soar through the air, they begin to understand what they were born to do. The mother eagle takes them back to the nest. They jump back into the briars and jump right back on her wing. Again she takes them high above the earth. This time, while they are enjoying their flight, she shakes them off. They go tumbling down. Some fly, and some don’t. She dives under those that can’t fly and catches them. Again she takes them up the heights, lets them relax, and shakes them off again until they learn how to fly.

    The above is taken from a book by Henry Blackaby and Avery Willis entitled On Mission With God: Living God’s Purpose for His Glory. Willis explained how God leads His people – how He trains them for their mission “as eagles train their young to fly.”

  2. As you rest today, may the sweet fragrance of God's presence bring you peace, and the joy of the LORD becomes your strength. ~mom
